Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Standard Residential Service Rates (Effective 11-01-2023)

Standard Residential 5/8" x 3/4" Meter Base Rate
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
0-5,000 $6.41
5,000.1-10,000 $7.05
10,000.1-20,000 $8.39
20,000.1-50,000 $11.34
50,000.1-70,000 $14.49
+70,000 $15.12


Your water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

R & R Depreciation Fee - (Effective 11-01-2023)

Monthly R & R Depreciation Fee per each account billed
$6.95 $6.95

A monthly fee assessed per customer account to fund, in part, repair and replacement of assets of the District.

CRWA Fee (Effective 11-01-2023)

Monthly CRWA fee per each account billed
$13.21 $13.21

As an alternate water source, Crystal Clear Special Utility District (CCSUD) became a member of Canyon Regional Water Authority (CRWA).  This was to supplement the Edwards Aquifer water rights, at the direction of the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA).  The bond pays for infrastucture which is passed on to all of the members of CRWA in an amout based on the percentage of participation.  

TCEQ Regulatory Compliance Fee (Effective 11-01-2023)

Monthly TCEQ Regulatory Compliance fee per each account billed
$1.32 $1.32

This Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Regulatory Complinance Fee  will be assessed to pay for costs incurred by the District to comply with TCEQ regulations and testing requirements.

Debt Service Fee (Effective 11-01-2023)

Monthly Debt Service fee per each account billed
$14.00 $14.00

The Debt Service Fee will be assessed to pay the debts the District is responsible for paying to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and CoBank for water system improvements and upgrades required. The customers first saw this fee on their October 2017 usage bills (due date November 10, 2017) as the TWDB Bond Fee.  The name has been changed to Debt Service and the amount has increased to encompass those  payments due for TWDB, USDA and CoBank loans combined. 

Wastewater Rates (Effective 11-01-2023)

Wastewater Base Rate $38.94
Water usage > or = 5,000 gallons 60% of $5.64/1,000
Water usage < 5,000 gallons 60% of $5.13/1,000

Crystal Clear Special Utlity District (CCSUD) currently has wastewater in the subdivision of The Crossings. 

CCSUD has entered an agreement with City of Seguin to bill wastewater for the subdivision Navarro. Please see City of Seguin Rates at https://tx-seguin2.civicplus.com/482/Water-Wastewater (Sewer Rates - Residential Outside)

ESTIMATED Billing Examples (Effective 11-01-2023)

Base Rate 5/8" + Water Charges + R&R Fee + CRWA Fee + TCEQ Compliance Fee + Debt Service Fee
Usage (gal.): Approximate Bill Total:
2,000 100.21
8,000 140.59
15,000 196.64
25,000 295.29
55,000 651.24
75,000 944.69

The average water usage per person (in a household) is 130 gallons per day for 30 days. A family of four, at this rate, would use 15,600 gallons per month. At our current water rates the monthly bill would be approximately $201.67. 

CCSUD's monthly average customer usage per household is 8,000 gallons. 

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