Current Drought Stage & Watering Restrictions

Stage 3 Water Restrictions


Crystal Clear recognizes that the amount of water available to supply its water utility customers may be limited and subject to depletion during periods of extended drought. Representing the best interests of its customers, Crystal Clear deems it expedient and necessary to establish certain rules and policies for the ongoing conservation of water and the orderly and efficient management of limited water supplies during drought and other water supply emergencies.

During Stage 3 Water Restrictions customers are allowed to:

Sprinkler or irrigation systems may water one day per week

BEFORE 10 a.m. and AFTER 8 p.m.

Based on the last digit of the address:

Odd numbers (1,3,5,7,9) – Watering day is Tuesday.

Even numbers (0,2,4,6,8) – Watering day is Thursday.

Handheld hose, buckets, drip irrigation systems and soaker hose that do no spray water in the air are permitted any time.

Use of water to wash vehicles, structures, or impervious surfaces limited to watering day. Failure to comply with the Stage 4 Water Restrictions can result in a violation.

If conditions persist, it may be necessary to move to Stage 4 Mandatory Water Restrictions.

Thank you and as always, we appreciate your cooperation.

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