August 29, 2024
Please use the link below to access the Notice of Application by a District for Approval to Levy Impact Fee.
TCEQ Notice 2024-8-16
The Notice of Application is a written requirement by TCEQ as part of the Impact Fee Application submitted by CCSUD. The one time fee of $5,163.00 per LUE would be an increase of $2,663.00 per LUE and only applicable to new service/meter connections or new development meter request. This is not an additional charge for existing meters.
July 01, 2024
Current and correct contact information is required by CCSUD for many reasons. One of which is that CCSUD Staff distributes alerts via a notification system. This could be vital information which you may not receive if your contact information is not current/correct such as a Boil Water Notice or other emergency alerts. Please contact the CCSUD office 830-372-1031 asap or return the portion of your billing statement that has the update form included with the current and correct information for contacts.
Thank you for your cooperation and immediate attention to this matter.
CCSUD Staff and Management
June 17, 2024
Each year CCSUD makes available a short report, Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), that advises of the sources of the water we sell to our customers as well as what is in the water. You can find the report on the Crystal Clear SUD website and at the following direct link:
June 01, 2024
You may have noticed, in and around your area, that CCSUD has projects on-going in our Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN). Some of the projects are funded by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) equivalency and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) financial assistance.
All recipients of the CWSRF equivalency and DWSRF financial assistance are required to post notification as part of project public awareness. CCSUD has posted in accordance with this policy. In an effort to create more community awareness, this alert is intended to provide for an easier method to access the information and bring it to the attention of our customers. Please use the direct link below to view information on our TWDB funded projects.
This can also be accessed from the News & Notices drop down at the top of the page by then clicking on State Revolving Fund Project Public Awareness Notification.